Por finnn! toi de vacacionessss! yayy! yupiii! ... yo pensaba ke no se iba a acabar nunca el cole ese.. POor una parte estuvo bien..3 Examene nama,. math,epaniol e ingles.. lo otro trabajos(pero ke trabajoss o.O).
Anywho. el 30 de nov. por finn! fue el lanzamiento dela promo. depue de tanta lucha y tanto stress. ((InVeXuS 09)). Aunke debo confezarles ke la entrada no se parecio en NADA a los ke habiamos ensayado, los ke tu estuvieron ahi,deberian saber ke todo esoo fue improvisaoo! but i lovedd it! aunke mamy se tuvo al caer pa tra cuando me vio encarama en una ninja! XD. y el baile omg! tanto ke no equivocamo en lo jodio ensayos pork no habia cordinacion y lo hicimo todito igual!♥.Los tshirt depue de tantaa vainaa con lo fuckin combo, se beian bien.XD (creditos a luiggi =] ). Y lo ke ma me guto! XXDD, Nunca pero NUNCa. se habia llenao tanto el patio ke tuvieron ke subi la gente a los balocones de los edificioss! aii lofff it!
tan tan chuleriaa! XD
After that, parkesito de la nuniez(CAFAM tiene ke tener acciones en ese parkesito) y cuanta gente de las promociones anteriores. I had a nicce time indeed.
todoo por hoy. me canse de ecribi!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Vacationsss! XD
Posted by Arysita* at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
guenas guenas. long time no see.. me podran disculpar mis lectores, pero como compredenran no tenia pc, se me tava saliendo el alma, pok me desubico si toi sin pc.. anywho?
credits to dals. ♥ (tekiero)
ke fue la ke me mando a postear, pok en realidad tengo mas de una semana ke me la devolvieron y no habia postiado y honestamente no estaba en mis planes por ahora..
resumen del mes de octubree ke me lo pase sin pc.
here i go.
my bday? el 2 de octubre.
niice. me llamaron menos gente ke el anio pasado(el anio pasado me llamaron como ma de 50 gente, sin exagerar!).
Fuimo pà New Age, un bar and loungue muy chulito por cierto. credits to karla, ke armo su coro paya y depuee fue ke me dijo a mi. XD but thanks!
el resto del mes me lo pase lunes y miercoles cojiendo tutoria pa mi SATs( para los incultos es un examen ke te piden las universidades en EEUU pa saber tu nivel academico), y martes jueves y viernes en ensayo pa baile de lanzamiento de promo.
Los weekends con el corre corre de tareas y to lo ke se pegaba en el camino.
Nada fuera de lo comun paso en el mes de oct. not that i remember.
El 1ro. fue mi SATs.. i si. les respondo a los ke me conocen y sabe lo ñoña y lo llorona ke soy. Si! llore como un muchacho cuando me vi entrando al parque del Carol Morgan School ke fue donde tome el examen. the thing is ke yo estaba trankila hasta ke vi la realidad, me dio un atake de nervios, ke damn.
Todavia sigo en los ensayos hasta la semana ke viene!
y para los ke no lo sabe el 30 de nov. es el field day de mi cole!
asii ke tienen ke ir! jumm.
well. i think thats enough for now.
Posted by Arysita* at 5:02 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
hoy me salgo un pokito de mi aburrida pero complicada vida, y les vengo a responder
una pregunta ke me hicieron hace poco.. ahi les va.
what is love?
Love is.. let see. its a lot of things..
love is giving someone the power to break your heart but trusting them not to.
Love is whenn you cant pay attention in class cause youre too busy writing your name
with his last.
Es cuando sabes ke vas a ver esa persona amada el corazon se acelera, las rodillas se te flojan, te da frio, calor y hasta fiebre del tiro..
Cuando te enojas con esa persona y kieres reprocharle mil cosas y cuando la tienes
de frente las palabras simplemente no te salen..
Cuando es la primera persona en ke piensas cuando te levantas y la ultima ke te
inmaginas antes de acostarte, y ahi precisamente te das cuenta ke si estas
Cuando en esas noches en las ke no puedes dormir, seguido te inmaginas ke es por ke
estas en suenios..
Cuando te vas a marte un poco mas ke de costumbre.
cuando esa persona te dice te amo. y el mundo a tu alrededor se friza y deja de
existir y ahi es cuando te das cuenta ke no existe nada mas..
LOve. palabra de cuatro letras,dos vocales,dos consonantes y dos idiotas.
PS. creditos a juan arturo por hacerme la pregunta..XD
Posted by Arysita* at 7:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
en resumen.
toi sick.
toi harta.
toi cansa.
y toi aburria
de mi promocion.si ladies and gentlemen.como todos saben io toi en un colegio grande. hay 142 personas en 4to. little too much. dont ya think?.y no fue hasta la semana pasada ke por finn! caimos en cuenta de ke tavamo atra de cuca. osea no teniamo na.sin nombre,sin colore, sin logo, SIN NA! bien decidimos ponernos a esto.
142 personas, 7 cursos. cada curso tenia ke hacer una proposicion entera con nombre color logo y lema. perfecto, hasta ahi vamo bien.
despues una votacion en general.en una hoja todas las proposiciones
y votacion individual. explendido. todo el mundo voto muy organizado.
im proud of us/. por ultimo ke estaba supuesta a ser la etapa mas facil. los resultados.
AII MI MADREE! ke desastre.a nadie le gusto los resultados. ai entra Ary y preguta. *kiene fueron los ke votaron, si los ke supuestamente votaron no le gusta nada de lo ke se elejio por el voto popular?*
osea. is there any sense in this?
otro bonito desastre:
ke cual compania vamo a coje pa hacer el combo? .. han ido como 10 y todavia no se deciden. cuando lo mayoria ofrecen lo mismo y casi con el mismo precio.. ma dificil lo pueden pone? . no creo no.
he tenido las ultimas semanas super estresadas con el cole. pok como entenderan senioras y seniores aunke sabemos ke el curso mas dificil de high school e primero ( diache!ahi si se coje lucha) cuarto no es solo coro, promocion y joder hasta mas no poder, no ta llevando kien no trajo. profesores. lleveno a die. graxias.
por otro lado. weekends comodos. primer coro de la promo depue ke entrramo. parkesito de la nuniez. awsomee!ahi me di cuenta ke eramos una promo ademas de grande unida. yo creo ke primera vez ke hay mucha gente de todos los cursos en un coro. guau. me tomo como media hora saludar a to el mundo. y eso ke tavan to en el mimo sitio.
soOo proud of us.
fui pa santiago pal concierto de aventura. muy awsome por cierto. ahora.observacion.productores.para la gente como yo ke solo le gusta la bachata por aventura, y ke van a verlo cada vez ke viene al pais..si lo van a traer dos veces en menos de un anio aunke sea de la misma gira, varien un poco.fue el mimito concierto ke dieron en abril. fuera de eso ke goza.
pasando a mi lado melancolico del post.
io tengo un deseo de come mac and cheese. pero no cualkiera mac n cheese. sino lo ke me pase comiendo el verano entero. autora de esos
--> Gelany Saldivar Franco/
io no comia mac and cheese hasta ke probe lo de esa seniora. damn can yo spell good.
imu gelz. vuelve chopa!
ps gely* ia deje de habla sola antes de mimi pok me di cuenta ke ya no duermo con una loka nocturna ke lee, y ke me pase el verano entero interrumpiendo su lectura con etupidese de la mia, or just poking at her.por fin me di cuenta ke shes gone.
eso es todo por hoy.
Posted by Arysita* at 8:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
growing up..
okk! now im worried.
i didnt really realized im a senior since this week, out of three weeks that i have back in shool. Esta semana senioras y seniores no las pasamos hablando de promocion.
colores.nombre.logo.tshirts.opening. entre otros/.
Now that the week is over, im like. OK! yo tengo viendo las mismas personas practicamente todos los dias de mi vida desde mis 9 anios. Oseaa entramos a ese colegio la gran mayoria juntos en 4to de basica y algunos en 5to. Y no fue hasta cuando la encargada de disciplina nos dijo "disfruten mis hijos, que por mas ke kieran, nunca vuelven a estar todos juntos por mas ke traten de juntarlos a todos" // and shes actually right.
Ya NO mas corredera por el pasillo, molestar a los profesores, se acabaron lo juegos de policia y ladrone( pok si todavia lo jugamos XD).. Ya no mas llamadas al tiguere de la empanada antes de bajar a recreo pa no tene ke hacer fila y no guardaban lo del coro aparte, ya no mas coro abajo de la mata, ya no hay ke oi a miriam repetir ke la camisa es por dentro,ya no hay ke subir corriendo pok el profe es el ultimo ke entra al curso, ya no mas coro entre nosotro el findesemana pa ir el lunes a curano de to lo ke hicimo. ya no me puedo dormi en clase de epaniol.ya no podemo coje la hora de ingles la hora del veraneo y del pasilleo.ya no podemo lleva telefono residenciales al curso y lo profe bolsa ke llegaban lo tripiabamo ke lo llamaban de la oficina..
Ya todo esoo lo vamos a sustituir por universidad, trabajo y vida ocupada.
HOnestly i dont like growing up!
As we go on, we remember all the time we had together,
As our lives changes, comes whatever,
We will still be Friends Forever...
Posted by Arysita* at 7:52 PM 3 comments
its over
soOo... im a senior now. yay?
i guess. in a way.
i didnt wanted the summer to be over. imu geliza. conioo!
i dont have anyone to bug while im falling myself to sleep. wanna know why?
gelany doesnt read next to me before going to bed anymore.
last weeken?
a bomb/. ai loff it.
we hadd funn! friday allys was at my house since like five, made frito con salami, watched the olympic games beiijing 2008( se la comieron eso chino con ese opening! XD) .. then went out.
went to albertos house, and laus and ended up at garys, havent laughed like that in ages. saw many ppl i hadnt see in ages./
saturday. omg saturday. went to a party at lo rio. it wasnt that good, soo we went to la lincoln and stay there for the rest of the night. we were all crazy drunk... >_< then like at 4am. we went to eat. got home like at 5am.
next day we were suppose to go to metro country club, but it was rainning, did all the diligencias with gelany. buy the things she was gonna take with her. then since we didnt went to metro we decided to go to the banreservas club. once again, since we were too many and it was already 6 oclock, soo we went back to my house and made the last mac and cheese of the summer.
the last ones.
Summer 2008 *07-02-08 - 08-11-08*
Posted by Arysita* at 7:52 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Periodico de Ayer.
Thats what he is.. damn it feels great. my life couldnt get any better. im like soOo out of stress right now.. ( will see that in 10 days when school is in).. isnt great when things dont really turn out the way you want to. and you actually feel good bout it.. thats how i feel now. i wasnt expecting this and i feel good bout it, at least for now.
Respuesta a Revision!
Like you said. its the truth, sorry if youre offended by what i write.. I didnt really got offended of what you wrote, but im pretty sure you are never gonna see me writting if guys go after you or not.por mas observadora ke yo sea. those are none of my issues. but anywho?-
Yesterday we went to the movies. Alannah Viks Gelany Alberto Nicole and Me. We saw WALL-E yay!
aii loff it! even tho lo unico ke dijo en la movie entera fue *wall-e* y *eva*. but it was pretty cooL.
i laughed a lot. took pictures. woke up Alannah everytime she was falling asleep.and more.
After that taco bell. cause gelany was hungry. not to mention that we ate mac and cheese at my house before going to the movies. none of us ate. but alannah.took more pictures.
y depue la hora colgate..
next day..
osea today- gelany and me went over allys for lunch. we had mac and cheese. yes again. tavan ma weno ke lo de anoche. then watched ¨Deffinetly maybe¨. pretty cool. pero ke decepcion con el final. i was expecting something better. i mean like please are you kidding me. but w.e
thats all for today.
Posted by Arysita* at 8:42 AM 0 comments
sOo little time..
sooOo little time, so much ive done..
Last week i was going to bayahibe with the fam, soOo as you may know. gelany se ta kedando en mi casa for the summer y ella fue tambn. Thursday- Desde temprano we went to the mall pa ve si encontravamo bikinies, we went to every single store you can imagine in sto.dgo. and we still didnt find any. so after spending the whole day in that. we decided to get a temporary tatoo. isnt that cooL?. yea thats what i thought. Pero ke 400 peso ma votao! era una star chikitica on my lower right abdomen and by friday IT WAS GONE! yea gone. y segun ellos duraba do semana..
Cuando salimo de plaza..viktor forgot to turn the lights off, y kaploomm! se descargaron la baterias. claroo nos dimos cuenta de eso despues ke hicimos malabares pa ve ke era, pok le echamo agua, llamamo a to el mundo, hasta mandamo paloma mensajera pake nos rescataran.and then we thought bout the batteries. Pero depue vino un tipo en un civic y no jompeo! yay. thanks chico civic.
Friday- i woke up mad late, pok we were supposed to be leaving at 12 pok el check in en el hotel era a las 1.. i woke up like at 10 y nos ibamos dike a las 11. y yo sin nisikiera un panty en la maleta. soo eche la mitad del closet y me banie mad quick. and we left- we got there like at 2.30 or so. y como si fuera poco cuando llegamo nama habia una sola gente en el check in. como pa 30 familias.arghh-. but it turned out pretty quick. we went to the pool and stayed there for the afternoon. oon our way back to our room no econtramo uno friends ahi.. theyre mad cool. and funny. soo planeamo and after dinner with the families we chilled out til like almost five in the morning. the rest. history.
Saturday- Out of bed like at 8 am. cuz my mom went to bed early the night before she was soo drunk she didnt even had dinner- sOo we were in the pool since like nineam. viktor and alannah came visit us. mad fun that day. and the friends from the night before were there too.i didnt drink that much that night. juss wasnt in the mood.
Sunday- kinda weird day. we didnt stay in the pool for long cuz we were leaving that day. didnt ate that much either. dpue de tre dia viendo tanta jodia comida junta. got me sick. we left like at 5. llegamo a la casa como a las 7 or so. it was a nice weekend con sus altas y bajas.. met new people. im all kemaita.and this and that-
eso es todo por hoy.
P.S. Gelany and Nicole you can keep em all. eso es lo ke mas ahi en el mundo. and it bothers you girls soo much. just no salgan conmigo.
Posted by Arysita* at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Have you? or its just me.
Have you ever noticed that the worst way to miss someone is when theyre right beside you and yet you cant have them..When the moment you cant feel them under your fingertips you miss them?. Have you ever wondered which hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had?. i guess the mos important things are the hardest things to say.they are things you get ashamed of because words dimish them;words shrink things that seemed timeless when they were in your head to no more than living size when theyre are brought out.. Dont be afraid yo tell someone you love them. if you do, they might break your heart, but if you dont, you might break theirs.. Have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were soo afraid of loosing what you already have with that person? Your hearts decides whom it likes and whom it doesnt, you cant tell your heart what to do.it does it on its own. when you least suspect it, or even when you dont want it to.. Have you ever wanted to love someone with everything you had, but that other person was to afraid to let you.?. Too many of us stay closed up because we are too afraid to care too much for fear that the other person doesnt care as much or at all. Have you ever loved someone and they had absolutely no idea whatsoever?. or fell for your bestfriend in the entire world, and then stay around and watched them fall for someone else?. Have you ever denided your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle?.. We tell lies when we are afraid, afraid of what we dont know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. but everytime we tell a lie .. the thing we fear grows stronger, Life is all about risks and it requires you to jump... Dont be a person who has to look back and wonder what they would have, or could have had.. No ONe waits forever!
Posted by Arysita* at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 22, 2008
welcome. should i say.
yay me. ii finally got my blog.
i was thinking of writing a book, cause theres way too much drama in my life. its raining right now.
that makes me feel more confidence when i write. dont ask. i dont know why.. what should i say bout me. Arys the name, nicknames are straight. im simple. loud. and unperfect. i like ice cream. i love chocolate. im in love with the most amazing guy out there, yet he doesnt know that. and i just got this page to write dumb stuff to you. but important things to me.. isnt that great?. its funny how things that are soo insignificant for some people, are the most important things for others.. i believe that great things comes out from the simple ones, wich means for me that the simple ones are more important than the great ones.. and thats what life is all about, living this simple moment, which is special at the same time and hold it on til the next one.., that what i dont know in my case, would it be a next one in my life. i guess ill just hold on to one i have. and see what happens. i believe eveerything happens for a reason.
Posted by Arysita* at 11:37 AM 0 comments