Digan ustedes.
el hecho de ke yo acepte tu propuesta, significa que im a slut. pero si me niego
im being stupid. well youre soo wrong. ke tu pensabas que yo era mas madura ke las otras dos, y mas open minded. si es verdad. no eres el primero ke me lo dices.ademas no creo ke hubieran reaccionado asi. Thats why im doing this. you can learn how to respect me. because if i dont do this for myself, nobody is gonna do it for me.
And thats the reason que aparte de mi lokera, y el coro. y my open mind. no tengo cola ke me pisen.
Y por mas ke tu trates im not going to fall again. i just dont roll that way anymore.
thas my final answer. deal with it!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Posted by Arysita* at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 24, 2009
[if everyone cared] (8)
Una nueva etapa de mi vida esta a punto de comenzar- summer´s over. No more school.
este anio fue. diferente, esecial perhaps. muchos altibajos. encuentros con nuevas personas. viejos amigos.decepciones.alegrias. no tanta playa como hubiera deseado, pero cloro de piscina si me dieron.Gelany tuvo razon en que that last night no fue lo que se esperaba. it was ok. Mi graduacion. ya soy bachiller. yes. ok.vi gente. me despedi de gente. a alannah quiza no la vea mas hasta que gelany no vuelva. porque ella es asi de sencilla.y si eso es ella ke vive alli, ke seraa de mi epositaa dals. uff. ni hablar.. en si.
Aprendi mucho de estos dos meses. Le vi la otra cara de la moneda a mucha gente. Me cai palde vece, pero creo ke supe como levantarme. y espero en Dios que maniana esa haya sido la desicion correcta.Aprendi tambn a no confiar en todo el que me rodea, y que de quienes tu esperas recibir mas, es de donde menos recibes.He tenido mejores anios, pero con menos experiencia. asi ke da igual en un sentido..
En Fin se acabo, llevandose tambn todo lo ke tenia.
I believe this happen for a reason. People change so that you can learn how to let go,things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they`re right,you believe lies so you eventually start to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together... <3
Posted by Arysita* at 6:43 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
hate to say this.
pero me cai. y me di duro.
why is it that when you really think that this time is going to be different,and put all your effort... POw! kapLomm!
its nothing left.
for the first time in my whole lifei feel like the pain is weighing out my pride.
Por que es las personas con buen corazon no se encuentran entre si.
siempre tiene ke se uno bueno con uno malo. no es ke lo seas. porque i know you love me, pero ya para mi lo eres because you just broke my heart.Yo sabia que esto iba a terminar de una u otra manera, pk ya era demasiado para nosotros
Aunque ilusa al fin. yo todavia pensaba y tenia la esperanza que con todo lo que hemos pasado era poco lo que nos faltaba.
i just cant write anymore.
tonight the headphones will deliver the words i cannot say..
letters-stroke nine*
You're leaving me here, dear
Alone with all your letters
You're letting it go, no
Like innocence and feathers
You're putting it down
Sounds slipping into songs
You're leaving me here, dear
Alone with all my wrongs
You're pulling away
Pray you're making the right choice
You're pulling away
Stay and listen to my voice
To my voice
Sooner or later you will long
When you wake you will see
Sooner or later all the songs
That make you shake will be by me
Sooner or later all the throngs of feelings
We used to appreciate will come rushing back
You're thinking about
How you thought you knew me better
You're looking around town
And wondering how I met her
You're pulling away
Pray you're making the right choice
You're pulling away
Stay and listen to my voice
To my voice
Sooner or later all the throngs or feelings
We used to appreciate will come rushing back
When you wake you will see
Don't wake me as you leave
Don't make me believe I have a chance in hell
Don't tell me what I know too well
Don't wake me
As you're leaving me here dear
Alone with all your letters
Don't let it go of your innocence and feathers
Now I find that every sound reminds me of our song
Since you left me here dear
Alone with all my wrongs
With my wrongs
Posted by Arysita* at 11:19 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me.
Its hard to realize that things arent really going like you think they are.
I thought is was over that, but then again im not.
and is not doing any good to my relationship right now.and the funny part is that he sees that too.. he thinks it is a nuisance for me, and that is bothering me.
And its not true. well. that parta isnt.. the thing is im gettin tired of the same thing, we have discused that before-and he never listen.
i dont know. but he was right about lastnight. in a way.
And im sitting here doing nothing to fix it. thats what bother me the most.
im doing nothing about it. i think i want that to happen. but im not sure
because i dont know my possibilities for the future.
im scared because of that.
i dont know. but i dont wanna deal with this anymore.
if youre done. so am i.
[all up to you]
Posted by Arysita* at 12:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
This is soO High School!
Veamos: En el Real de la Academia. Graduando: Persona que recibe o está próxima a recibir un grado académico por la universidad. / Bachiller: Persona que ha recibido el primer grado académico que se otorgaba a los estudiantes de facultad... Y es que para muchos es solo entregar el titulo en su casa y salir de eso (lo que considero mínimo, porque un titulo de importancia y valor es el de la universidad.)… Para otros es una puerta que se le abre hacia la vida de adulto, responsabilidad e independencia. La vida en la universidad depende de ti, ya no tendrás profesores dándote chance *ta bien mijo tráemelo mañana*, allí ni siquiera saben tu nombre, una matricula mas como dicen. Ahora, depende de ti si al salir de allí serás recordado por tu nombre, o más bien por tus logros. El tener un circulo de amigos, un vida social, llegar a los bonches mas duros con fulana de tal, unos tacones imposibles, la pinta mas chic de zara, una carterita en una mano y la omnipresente blackberry en la otra, no es lo que en un mañana te ayudara a tener una vida empresarial de éxito, por que como entenderás que para tener una villa en casa de campo, ser socio del Country Club, y tener el m3 para hangear y la cayene para trabajar, ya no es cosa de que mi papi y mi mami, a partir de aquí empezamos desde cero. Es justo en el momento donde empiezas a agregarle cosas a tu curriculum, y a partir de ahí vas creciendo en el ámbito laboral, que es el que ayudara a la juventud a valerse por si mismo, y ser el futuro de un país que ya esta muy por debajo del suelo, por asi decirlo. This is so High School, es un capitulo de tu vida, el mas importante talvez, donde creces como persona, y el inicio de la edad adulta. Ya es hora de que alguno de nosotros vayamos cerrando ese capitulo y dale chance a la madurez que haga su papel en nosotros…
Posted by Arysita* at 4:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
i swear i love you.
good.awsome.wonderful.great. you think youre doing great.
plop! and the again youre not.
thats how i feel.when i think im doing great,over the top. puff! someone comes up
and make me realize that i really wasnt.
sometimes i wish i could be what you think i am. soo i could have reasons.soO you wouldnt do this just because.
Ive cried myself to sleep over this boy. His rejections had knocked the hell out of me.He sees how weak i am when im around him and still he does it knowing that it hurts.
THe funny things is that no matter what he does, im always back to him. thats what piss me the most. The moment i have him in front of me, is right there where i forget about everything and just wanna be with him.
should i be mad at myself because of that¿?
i love him.thats for sure.
Posted by Arysita* at 4:20 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
thE problem is..
the problem is that no matter how hard i try, i cant get over it.
i dont want it to be over. everyone is tellin me that im not doing the right thing.
that we shouldnt be together. and lots of stuff. and theyre really hurting.
Im Trying really hard not to cry over you, because every tear is just one more reminder that i dont know how to let you go..
I wish life was like a fairytale, instead of these non-stop disasters that never want to end, and im always im the middle of those. It feels like while everyone is out in the sum, im drowning here under the rain.
I apologize to the ones that always been here for me and keep telling me whats best and i never listen.. listen me now. its not that easy, plop! get over him! .. ok.. boom. im over him. its not like that.
One of the toughest things in life is deciding when to give up and when to try harder.
im confused now.
Posted by Arysita* at 8:07 AM 2 comments