Tuesday, August 12, 2008

growing up..

okk! now im worried.
i didnt really realized im a senior since this week, out of three weeks that i have back in shool. Esta semana senioras y seniores no las pasamos hablando de promocion.

colores.nombre.logo.tshirts.opening. entre otros/.

Now that the week is over, im like. OK! yo tengo viendo las mismas personas practicamente todos los dias de mi vida desde mis 9 anios. Oseaa entramos a ese colegio la gran mayoria juntos en 4to de basica y algunos en 5to. Y no fue hasta cuando la encargada de disciplina nos dijo "disfruten mis hijos, que por mas ke kieran, nunca vuelven a estar todos juntos por mas ke traten de juntarlos a todos" // and shes actually right.

Ya NO mas corredera por el pasillo, molestar a los profesores, se acabaron lo juegos de policia y ladrone( pok si todavia lo jugamos XD).. Ya no mas llamadas al tiguere de la empanada antes de bajar a recreo pa no tene ke hacer fila y no guardaban lo del coro aparte, ya no mas coro abajo de la mata, ya no hay ke oi a miriam repetir ke la camisa es por dentro,ya no hay ke subir corriendo pok el profe es el ultimo ke entra al curso, ya no mas coro entre nosotro el findesemana pa ir el lunes a curano de to lo ke hicimo. ya no me puedo dormi en clase de epaniol.ya no podemo coje la hora de ingles la hora del veraneo y del pasilleo.ya no podemo lleva telefono residenciales al curso y lo profe bolsa ke llegaban lo tripiabamo ke lo llamaban de la oficina..

Ya todo esoo lo vamos a sustituir por universidad, trabajo y vida ocupada.
HOnestly i dont like growing up!

As we go on, we remember all the time we had together,

As our lives changes, comes whatever,

We will still be Friends Forever...


its over

Now its really over.

summers over. and didnt even realize it until gelany was gone, alannah posted about it, and my tons of homework..

thats right, back to basics.
school, homework, stress.
soOo... im a senior now. yay?
i guess. in a way.
i didnt wanted the summer to be over. imu geliza. conioo!
i dont have anyone to bug while im falling myself to sleep. wanna know why?
gelany doesnt read next to me before going to bed anymore.

last weeken?
a bomb/. ai loff it.
we hadd funn! friday allys was at my house since like five, made frito con salami, watched the olympic games beiijing 2008( se la comieron eso chino con ese opening! XD) .. then went out.
went to albertos house, and laus and ended up at garys, havent laughed like that in ages. saw many ppl i hadnt see in ages./
saturday. omg saturday. went to a party at lo rio. it wasnt that good, soo we went to la lincoln and stay there for the rest of the night. we were all crazy drunk... >_< then like at 4am. we went to eat. got home like at 5am.

next day we were suppose to go to metro country club, but it was rainning, did all the diligencias with gelany. buy the things she was gonna take with her. then since we didnt went to metro we decided to go to the banreservas club. once again, since we were too many and it was already 6 oclock, soo we went back to my house and made the last mac and cheese of the summer.

the last ones.

Summer 2008 *07-02-08 - 08-11-08*